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File Created: 24-Jul-1985 by BC Geological Survey (BCGS)
Last Edit:  14-Oct-2015 by Garry J. Payie (GJP)

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NMI 093E11 Ag1
Name CAPTAIN, SWANNELL, SWING AND PEAK Mining Division Omineca
BCGS Map 093E064
Status Past Producer NTS Map 093E11W
Latitude 053º 38' 29'' UTM 09 (NAD 83)
Longitude 127º 15' 52'' Northing 5945023
Easting 614735
Commodities Silver, Lead, Zinc, Gold, Copper Deposit Types I05 : Polymetallic veins Ag-Pb-Zn+/-Au
Tectonic Belt Intermontane Terrane Stikine
Capsule Geology

The Captain occurrence is located on an un-named creek on the eastern slopes of Mount Carl Borden, 4.0 kilometers south of Tahtsa Lake.

The area of interest is primarily underlain by the Upper Cretaceous Kasalka Group consisting mainly of andesite or dacite breccia, tuff and/or flow, rhyolite, volcanic conglomerate and minor sedimentary rocks. A porphyritic dacite that has been termed andesite - diorite could be either intrusive or extrusive. Mineralization occurs in shear zones or in quartz veins within the volcanics and the andesite - diorite. The mineralization consists of galena, sphalerite, pyrite and smaller amounts of chalcopyrite, arsenopyrite, and tetrahedrite.

The main showing referred to as the Captain vein, is a 3 metre wide shear zone striking 150 degrees and dipping steeply southwest in porphyritic dacite. Assays of lenses or pods of galena within the vein structure returned up to 289 grams per tonne Ag, 2.62 per cent Pb, 1.26 per cent Zn and 0.09 per cent Cu across 0.9 metre (Property File Cyprus Anvil Tahtsa Mines Ltd., 1981). An extension of the Captain vein outcrops at 1768 metres elevation, 320 metres south and on strike of the main showing. Other vein-shear zones outcrop 200 metres to the east and 300 metres southwest of the Captain vein.


The first work on the property was carried out in the late 1920s by George Steel and the Tahtsa Mining Company. At this time an adit was driven along the Captain vein for 115 metres. This followed the shear zone and associated sulphide mineralization for 87 metres. Another two adits, 27 metres lower and 24 metres higher, were added by Tahtsa Mines Limited in 1980. In 1981, geological mapping and soil and stream sediment sampling was conducted on the Sam and Swing mineral claims. A zone of weak pyritic stockwork veining was discovered to the north of the main vein system and coincides with an area of anomalous zinc soil and stream sediment samples. In the mid-1980s, Equity Silver completed heavy mineral sampling of an area south of Tahtsa Lake as part of the Kasalka project. A strong multi-element anomaly (Cu, Pb, Ag, Au, As, Sb) was noted in the Captain area. Other anomalies were noted in the Swing Peak, Mount Bolom (093E 099) and Mount Baptiste areas.

In 1986, Triple Star Resources acquired the ground thought to be of interest by Tahtsa Mines on the north side of the north ridge (Assessment Report 16356). Triple star resources completed a soil grid covering 16 line kilometres over an area of 1.5 square kilometres. In 1986, 635 soil samples were collected. Encouraging copper, lead, zinc and silver assays resulted in a multi-element-in-soil anomaly.

In 2012, St. Elias Mines carried out an exploration program with a Mag and VLF geophysical survey over three areas (North Ridge, South Ridge, and East Kate) on their North Rim property. A soil survey over the North Ridge Zone and prospecting in all the geophysical survey zones was also carried out. The geophysical survey in North Ridge Zone consisted of 11 line kilometres covering an area of 0.547 square kilometre. The geophysical survey in the Capitan zone consisted of 2.2 line kilometres covering an area of 0.14 kilometre. The geophysical survey in the East Kate area consisted of 10.8 line kilometres covering and area 0.58 square kilometres. A total of 12 rock samples and 350 soil samples were collected during the 2012 exploration program. The Magnetic geophysical survey carried out on the North Ridge zone shows a northwest-southeast trending mag high with a mag low to the northeast. Prospecting over the area shows that area is underlain by strongly altered andesite ash/crystal tuff. Alteration is composed of varying degrees of limonite, iron oxidation and silicification. The magnetic geophysical survey carried out on the Capitan zone had some overlap with that carried out in Assessment Report 10261. The magnetic geophysical survey carried out on the East Kate zone shows a magnetic high in the north part of the grid and a gradual decrease in the magnetic field to the south. The magnetic data also shows strong mag lows coincident with creeks.

EMPR AR *1927-C154; 1928-C180; *1929-184,430; *1945-A67
EMPR ASS RPT *10261, 16356, *33485
EMPR BULL *75, pp. 53,69
EMPR FIELDWORK 1978, p. 99
EMPR OF 1994-14
EMPR PF Cyprus Anvil (Geotronics Surveys Ltd. (1981-11-01): Magnetic and VLF-EM Survey claim map, Sam claims, Tatsa Resources; Goldsmith, L.B., Kallock, P. (1981-11-10): Geological Investigation of the Sam, Swing, Et Al Mineral Claims; Goldsmith, L.B., Kallock, P. (1982-01-07): Comparison of Tahtsa Project Geology with the Berg Copper-Molybdenum Porphyry and Review of 1981 Geophysics, Addendum to Geological Investigation of the Sam, Swing, Et Al mineral claims)
EMPR PF Placer Dome (Equity Silver (1984): Heavy Minerals Data Listings (all fractions) for '82, '83 and '84; Equity (1984): Heavy mineral data sheets - Kasalka Project II; Equity (1984): Heavy Mineral Data sheets - Equity Silver; Equity (1984): Heavy mineral data sheets - Kasalka Project - III; Equity (1985): Heavy mineral data sheets - Kasalka Project - IV; Equity (1985): Map of Heavy mineral locations with coloured mineral areas - Kasalka; Equity (1985): Map showing Heavy mineral claim locations - Kasalka Project; Equity Silver (1986): Heavy Mineral Sample Cards - Kasalka; Equity (1986): Heavy mineral sample cards - Kasalka; Equity (1986): Heavy mineral data sheets - silts - Kasalka Project; Equity (1986): Heavy mineral data sheets - Kasalka Project - V; Equity (1986): Notes on Kasalka Project - claim info and sketch map; Equity (1986): Heavy mineral notes, by sample, by fraction, northing and easting); Equity (1986): Heavy Mineral Separates, Basic statistics and notes; R. Pease (1987): Memo re: Analysis of 1986 Heavy Mineral Sampling - Kasalka Project; Equity (1987): Map of Heavy mineral locations - Kasalka; R. Pease (1987): Heavy Minerals Geochemical Data Listings I; R. Pease (1988): Heavy Minerals Separates, Basic Statistics and notes)
EMPR PF Rimfire (L.B. Goldsmith, P. Kallock (1982): Inferred Caldera at Tahtsa Lake with implications for Porphyry and Epithermal Vein Mineralization, Addendum to Geological Investigation of the Sam, Swing et al. Mineral Claims; Clendenan, A.D. (1984): Re: Tahtsa Mines)
EMR MP CORPFILE (Tahtsa Mining Co. Ltd.)
GSC MAP 367A; 1064A
GSC MEM *299, p. 88
GSC OF 708
GSC SUM RPT 1920, part A; 1924, part A; 1925, part A